Darwin Harley Owners Group (Darwin H.O.G. )

From all of us to all of you!


Happy Australia Day!


                                                                                 australia day celebration with a harley davidson







Darwin H.O.G. has regular rides every month for their active chapter members. They also have "open" rides allowing people from outside the chapter to participate.  Please refer to the Rides and Events.  Click on Rides and Events and this will take you to the Calendar.

Darwin H.O.G. usually meets on the first Friday of the month.  Members will be sent a text and or email with details of when and where the meeting will be.  

If you want to know anything further please contact one of the Committee members or come along to an event.



Darwin Harley Owners Group Inc
C\- Hidden Valley Harley Davidson
637 Stuart Highway, Berrimah
NT 0828
